
Gehörgang A und B - 2 Angebote (2021)

translating installation into composition for headphones
#Installation, #Composition, #Spatialisation

comissioned by Translating Spaces Festival (2021), Labor Sonor

How does a space influence our thoughts, actions and experiences? What do places and spaces offer, what do they allow, what do they demand, what do they prevent? How are spaces shaped and altered by what happens in them and with them? The festival LABOR SONOR : TRANSLATING SPACES explores the power of space in contemporary experimental music and sound art.

The motto of the festival is: Listen twice! The audience will have the opportunity to experience the same work simultaneously or consecutively in changing situations and spaces. Over three days, nine works by composers and installation artists will be presented at different venues. A symposium accompanies and explores the genesis of the works premiered at the festival – enabling artists, scholars and audience to enter into direct dialogue. 

Gehörgänge A und B - 2 Angebote

Der Raum als Körper – der Körper als Raum
Das Ballhaus Ost – ein Organismus, der 3. Stock sein Organ

Dem Ort Gesellschaft leisten
Wie klingt der 3. Stock… durch mich?
Schritte – Feedbacks – (keine) Stille

Wo entsteht der Klang?
Ohr, Haut, Fenster
Membran – Trennscheibe und Schnittstelle

Klänge der vergangenen Anwesenheit
Transformation, Interpretation

… in die Installation
… in den binauralen Kopfraum

Der Raum – das Publikum – und ich
Ein Dreieck

Welcher Raum?
Meine Absicht – eure Erfahrung
unendliche Interferen
Auditory canals A and B - 2 proposals 

The space as body – the body as space
Ballhaus Ost – an organism, the 3rd floor its organ

Keeping the space company
How does the 3rd floor sound… through me?
Steps – feedback – (no) silence

Where is the sound generated?
Ear, skin, window
Membrane – divider and interface

Sounds of the past presence
Transformation, interpretation

Carrying over
… into the installation
… into the binaural headspace
The space – the audience – and I
A triangle

Which space?
My intention – your experience
infinite interference